

Retail POS System

Retail industry always need to be prepared on handling a huge amount of customers efficiently. IRS Point of Sale Software will help you to do this by facilitating customer checkouts and helping your business to manage huge inventory. IRS Point of Sale Software helps you track and maintain your entire business inventory effectively. With IRS Point Of Sale Software, your back office management will be simple and effective just like our slogan- Ease your BUSINESS, Ease your LIFE.

Business Type Automobile
Bakery & Tea
Book & Stationary
Boutiques & Fashion Accessories
Bicycle & Motor
Beauty Service Shop
Florist & Gift
Mummy & Baby
Mini Market, Grocery
Music School
Organic & Pharmacy
Pet Shops
Vege & Fruit & etc
Language English
Mandarin 华语
Bahasa Malaysia
Customer Invoice, Cash Sales & Delivery Order
Sales, Order Quotation
Print Address Label
Customer Transaction History
Customer Point Management
Treatment Management
Prepaid Management
Appointment Management
Measurement Management
Survey Report
Service Report
Stock Stock Re-Order Reminder
Print Barcode Using Barcode Printer or Normal Printer
Promotion Price Setting
6 Levels Selling Price
Serial Number Management
Package Setting
Expiry Item Management
Weight Item Management
Matrix Item Management (Item With Colour & Size)
Multi UOM (Unit Of Measurement)
Multi Supplier
Supplier Purchase Order
Goods Receive
Print Address Label
Supplier Transaction History
Staff Security Access Level Controls
Commission Calculation
Staff Attendance
Message Send SMS (Via Internet)
Send Email
Report Sales Profit Listing
Sales Analysis Listing
Customer Sales Listing
Top Sales By Item, Sales & Profit
Stock Listing
Inventory Audit Trial
Others Integrated with Mykad Reader (To Read Customer Information)
Integrated with Mifare Reader (Member Card Reader-Touch)
Integrated with Data Collector
Change Skin (Screen Colour)
GST Ready
View Daily Sales Through Mobile Sales Reporting
Accounting System Integrated with SQL Account (
Integrated with AutoCount
Integrated with SAP
Hardware Requirement Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 (32bits)
2GB RAM, Dual Core Processor


Multi-Store Software

IRS Multi-Store is a program that permits branches to send their transactions (sales, customers, inventory, vendor data & etc) to Head Office for consolidation. IRS Multi-Store uses the internet for communication, making it inexpensive to operate. All branches’s data will be transmitted to head office every minute for consolidate. (it mean user can view almost real time report for all branches.)

Software Type Multi-Store Headquarters
Multi-Store Branches
Business Type Company have multi brunches in local or oversea
Language English
Mandarin 华语
Bahasa Malaysia
Stock Creation Permits Head Office centralized stock Creation and bar codes. (it mean stock information can be duplicated to another shops.)
Promotion Permits Head Office to maintain the Promotion Centrally and duplicate it to another shop.
Stock Lookup Allow Head Office / Branches to view every shops stock on hand and the stock need to be ordered.
Customer Particulars can be duplicated to another shops. (it means customer’s particulars is identical.)
Vendor Particulars can be duplicated to another shops. (it means vendor’s particulars is identical.)
Consolidate Report Over a user defined period, Head office can view how shops are performing in therms of sales, gross profit, number of sales over any period, inventory status & etc. The reports can be broken down by shops & by product.
Stock Transfer Head office & branches able to transfer stock to others branches.
Mobile Able to view consolidate report for sales & inventory status via handphone.
Distributed Concept All branches data are stored at branch & head office computer, therefore no impact to others if one of the branch system is down.
Bill to Branch Able to bill certain branches during stock transfer. (Example: Branch Own by different person)
Hardware Requirement Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 (32bits)
2GB RAM, Dual Core Processor


Network License

Access to IRS Server through the networking to update the data and generate the reports.

Business Type Retail Industries
Food & Beverage Industries
Hardware Requirement Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 (32bits)
2GB RAM, Dual Core Processor

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